Thursday, March 25, 2021

One Change I Would Like To Make And All The Changes In My Life Writing Week 7 Term 1

 Purpose: Describe
Audience: Everyone

All the changes in my life have been thrilling, nervracking, a little bit sad, exciting and scary. Probably the biggest change was moving house which was about 5 years ago, this change for me was exciting, we only moved on the space behind our old house, the only thing about the house is the backyard because it used to be massive but now it is tiny. Another change was going to senior school which was not that big of a change but it still was a change, this change was nervracking. Also that year my brothers were going to intermediate which was a little bit sad but i don't mind now. The latest change in my life was becoming a school leader which was exciting and nervracking.

If i could change one thing in my life i would change my house well i mean move house because i am not in zone for any schools thats why, also i would like to get a dog but we can't because we need a gate or to move house because the dog might escape. The dog that i would like is a fluffy dog because my brothers friend has them and i like them because they are playful and lie on your lap. Also i would move because it would be better with a bigger backyard because i would play outside more, and if we had a dog i would play with it.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Kawa Of Care Statement Learning

For Cybersmart we had to pick a statement and use pictures and some writing. The statement i picked is: I will protect my password and keep it completely safe. Here is my Cybersmart learning. 

It was fun doing this learning.

Can you comment if you want me to add anything?